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Welcome to DOGTORS, the premier provider of Animal-assisted Therapy Teams in the Miami Valley area.

We are your source for both team and professional training in Ohio and now Indiana!

 Our SPRING classes are set!

Beavercreek - Sunday, February 23 - 6-8 pm

 Beavercreek Fire Station 61   2195 Dayton-Xenia Rd. 

Springfield - Thursday, March 6 - 7-9 pm

Forest Glen Health Campus   2150 Montego Dr 

 Troy - Monday, March 10 - 7-9pm

Union Baptist Church   1833 E. Peterson Rd. 

Thorntown (Indiana) - Wednesday, March 5, 6-8pm

Thorntown Library  124 N. Market St. 

For the most up-to-date info, including space availability, please call us at (937) 284-0602.


There are many choices in AAT providers, and this website is here to help you make the right decision for you.  For a quick overview, click on the "Compare AAT Programs" on the left side.  As DOGTORS has been associated with nearly every group, we can answer your questions.



This informational website is designed for you, whether you have a potential pet or you are a healthcare provider. We have several pages of information which you can access at the upper left of each page. DOGTORS is also available by phone and can provide presentations to groups on all levels.

DOGTORS offers both AAT training and certification for teams plus an Administration level training section called CAT, for Comprehensive Animal-assisted Therapy.  This program is focused on registered AAT teams and agencies who utilize AAT looking to gain a private certification as an AAT Specialist. DOGTORS is a private company (LLC) and CERTIFIED AAT trainer. This is a home-study training course available worldwide.  See the CAT Program pages for more details.


DOGTORS maintains high standards and will not provide training or teams to any persons or organization that we consider unsafe or unethical.  This information is available upon request.
For more information about this or any other questions about DOGTORS, you can contact us at
937-284-0602 * 937-284-0707 or at DOGTORSAAT@GMAIL.COM