Team page
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Coronavirus (COVID-19) has posed some questions from our teams, so lets look at what we know:


* First, we don't want to be part of the problem, so please don't work AAT. 


* Don't worry about not having enough hours - if you have a problem getting your minimum hours in, there are options.


* Have some extra fun time with your partner at home. It will occupy their 'downtime' and strengthen your relationship. 


* If there is info we need to be aware of, keep us posted. 



The 'custom order' decals are here...

Actual size is 6.5 inches and are made of white vinyl sign material. The decals cost $6 each and are made with your partner's name below the logo.




Below are the most requested forms available instantly to your computer. If you have any problems, please let DOGTORS know about what type of issue you are having: 

Click here to download Vet Form

Click here for a MEDIA RELEASE

Click here for FACILITY GUIDE

Click here to download INSURANCE POLICY

Click here for CDC Guidance






Team page